From March 4  to April 18, 2011 the State Museum of Oriental Art with the assistance and direct participation of the Mardjani Foundation presents the " Lev  Snegiryov. PAINTING. GRAPHICS " – the art exhibition of the artist Lev Snegiryov. 

Lev Snegiryov is an artist of great and original talent. Being one of those commonly termed men of the sixties and non-conformists, he shared in the heavy fate of artists of his generation.

Lev Serge'evich Snegiryov was born in Uzbekistan into a family of immigrants from Russia. At a very early age, the boy started to practice drawing. The teachers in his art school singled him out from the other students. At his formative stage the artist was influenced by the Ferganian watercolorist Pyotr Maksimovich Nikiforov. Snegiryov found in his works purity, chastity in relation to nature, and admiration of the surrounding world: everything that vibrated in tune with his own soul.

After finishing school, Snegiryov entered Moscow's "1905" Art College, but during his second year he was called for military service in the Navy for five long years. After service he was accepted directly into the third year of studies at the College. The time was ripe for professional growth and devlopment, finding his creative individuality and realizing his own originality. In this Moscow period Snegiryov was surrounded by friends and like-minded people, among whom were Dmitry Pavlinsky, Anatoly Zverev and Boris Sveshnikov - later to be called non-conformists. Snegiryov also associated with the talented representatives of the ig6os Severe Style: Nikolay Andronov, Pavel Nikonov, Georgy Nissky and Pyotr Smolin.

Moscow provided the impetus for the further creative work of the artist, but the hectic nature of the capital oppressed him. After a period of eight years in Moscow, he returned to his homeland, Margilan. The artist was alone in his creative work. This is probably the reason for the appearance of so much drama and sadness in his main works.

Snegiryov creates conceptually complex symbolic paintings, as if he encrypts and by symbols and signs depicts the formula of the universe. The artist works in an original mixed technique. Restrained in color, almost monochrome canvases and boards look like they are brightened with a mysterious inner light.

Completely different is the mood prevalent in the artist's drawings: his watercolor and tempera paintings, the drawings made in ink, pen and brush or in black watercolor. Those favorite aspects of nature, the places he has known from childhood make him happy. One can feel expression in his wide strokes, which are free and dynamic, in the outlining of figures and objects, in the combinations of colors, which sometimes contrast.

In 1980 in Tashkent, in the foyer of Ilkhom Theater, Snegiryov's first personal exhibition took place. It was here that his works were bought by I.V. Savitsky for the legendary Museum in Nukus, and also for Fergana Museum and the Art Exhibitions Directorate in Tashkent.

After the notorious events in Fergana Valley, it became rather dangerous for Russians to stay in Uzbekistan. The artist and his family moved to Russia: first to Toropets and then to Nelidivo in Tverskaya Province.

The Russian backwoods gave the artist a rather chilly welcome, but as always, he was saved by his creative work. He was working as if possessed, creating new canvases and "boards" - cardboard panels.

In this period Snegiryov wrote his memoirs, "My Century", which contains lots of vivid stories as well as important information on the artistic life in Uzbekistan and his artist friends.

In April to May of 2010, Lev Snegiryov was able to visit Fergana in order to make sketches. After he returned to Nelidovo, the artist made new canvases and "boards", using the sketches and the watercolors he had brought back from Asia.

Having lived a life full of creative plots, Lev Serge'evich Snegiryov continues, on the threshold of his eightieth birthday, to work indefatigably.


Lev Serge'evich Snegiryov was born on March 9. 1931 in the city of Margilan. Fergana Province, in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic.

1949 - Entered the Moscow "1905" Art College.

1951-1955 - Military service in the Navy.

1958 - Graduated from the Moscow "1905" Art College.

1964 - Returned from Moscow to Margilan.

1980 - First Personal exhibition in the Ilkhom Theatre. Tashkent.

1980 - Became a member of the Moscow Union of Artists.

1991 - Departed from Uzbekistan

The artist is currently living in Nelidovo. Tverskaya Province. Russia.

From 1957 onwards Lev Snegiryov has exhibited within the country and abroad.

Selected collections:

Savitsky State Arts Museum of the Republic of Karakalpakstan (Nukus); Art Exhibitions Directorate at the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan (Tashkent); Regional Museum of Local Studies (Fergana); Museum of History (Margilan); Regional Museum of Local Studies (Kokand); Regional Picture Gallery (Tver) and various museums and private collections in the USA. France. Germany. Brazil. Japan and South Korea.


1957      Third Moscow Artists Youth Exhibition (Moscow. Russian SFSR)

1958      Fourth Moscow Artists Youth Exhibition (Moscow. Russian SFSR)

1973 Exhibition of Uzbekistan Monumental and Decorative Arts (Tashkent. Uzbek SSR)

1976 Personal exhibition. Watercolor paintings (Fergana. Uzbek SSR)

1979 Personal exhibition. Watercolor paintings (Fergana. Uzbek SSR)

1979      Personal exhibition. Watercolor paintings (Tashkent. Uzbek SSR)

1980     Personal exhibition. Paintings. Watercolor paintings (Tashkent. Uzbek SSR)

1981       Account Watercolor Paintings Exhibition of Uzbekistan Artists

(Angren. Uzbek SSR)

1982      Account Watercolor Paintings Exhibition of Uzbekistan Artists

(Angren. Uzbek SSR)

1982 Watercolor Paintings Exhibition of Uzbekistan Artists (Warsaw. Poland)

1987      All-USSR Watercolor Artists Exhibition (Leningrad. Russian SFSR)

1988     Exhibition of the Mobile Creative Watercolor Group of the Uzbekistan Union of Artists

(Fergana Valley. Uzbek SSR)

1988     Republican Exhibition of Uzbekistan Artists (Tashkent. Uzbek SSR)

1989     Personal exhibition. Paintings. (Tashkent. Uzbek SSR)

1989 "Unknown Paintings of Uzbekistan" (Moscow. Russian SFSR)

1989 Exhibition of artworks from the collection of L. Talchkin (Kuybyshev. Russian SFSR)


The opening takes place at 12-A Nikitsky Boulevard at 17.00.

Press-service of the State Museum of Oriental Art

119019, 12-A Nikitsky Boulevard, Moscow

+7 (495) 691-1054

Fax: +7 (495) 695-4846

